Dying Joyfully
Holistic End of Life Practitioner
We are practitioners who work holistically with people who are coming to the end of their lives on this Earth plane. We are called by many names – End of Life Practitioners; Death Dulas; Soul Midwives; Doulas for the Dying; Soul Shaman; Death Shamanka; psychopomp; Death Priestesses.
As an end of life practitioner, we recognise that the need of someone who is dying goes beyond just the clinical and the physical and we carry the responsibility to provide and look out for the spiritual needs to the dying. We remain conscious that spirituality and religion are not one and the same thing for everyone. This work is not to change that path in any way, rather it is to assist the soul to do what it needs to allow it to move peacefully on its journey from this Earth Plane to whatever the birthing of the soul becomes (otherwise known as soul transition).
An end of life practitioner is a holistic companion who is there to support and help guide the dying to promote a gentle and peaceful passing. We are generally non-medically trained and come from any background.
Our skills allow us to create and maintain relationships with the patient to be able to promote a healthy psychological and spiritual environment. This is done through various key techniques before we even reach the holistic therapy stage. These techniques involve things as simple as learning about the patient, asking about how they feel and sincerely caring, being aware of their religious, cultural or spiritual beliefs onto being able to assist the patient to see themselves as someone who deserves dignity, helping them see the importance of self-care and onto the holistic side of non-pharmacological methods of pain control such as imagery, relaxation techniques and meditation on through encouraging the patient and assisting as needed with alternative treatment modalities.
As trained holistic therapists we have a variety of skills available to us in order to be able to offer loving and compassionate care and to administer this throughout the process through the use of our healing therapies such as touch, sound and smell along with other gentle modalities that help alleviate pain and anxiety.
We can also help with what is known as Deathwalking which is to do the work to help the soul transition from this consciousness. This can take form in different settings but is very deep spiritual or shamanic work.
We are also here to listen. We hold space, not just for the dying person but for the family and loved ones as well. We are here to give comfort and support in order to help facilitate the experience and death they want.
We work wherever we are required, whether that is within a home setting, a hospital, care home or hospice.
We once relied on the local wise woman to help bring us into this world and see us out again when it was our time. We had both these experiences at home, surrounded by loved ones and both events were loving, nurturing and filled with the warm presence of family. We have become disconnected from the natural process of dying and the spiritual rites of passage that belong to be kept together in that sacred event.
My Path
My holistic learning lead me to Buddhism as a way to strengthen my current spirituality. On this journey I discovered the Medicine Buddha and his amazing energy for the sick and dying. At this time I naturally facilitated the end of life care for an elderly family friend, using my holistic therapies to ease their discomfort and the wonderful energy of Medicine Buddha Reiki and Deathwalking to transition the soul.
From this point on, the calling to help bring this healing to others has been a deep one. To help others to be able to die joyfully – we have come to terms with our own death in a positive way and help those who are dying.
Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will be well ~ Buddha
If you are interested in any further information then please contact me here